Vizual Personnel Director - FAQ's

Vizual Personnel Director Report Tips – Why is my Report Blank?

We had a support call recently from a Vizual Personnel Director customer who described the problem they were having with a new report they had created using the Report Designer where it would not show any data. Whilst the most common reason for this is an incorrect filter being used, there is a less obvious cause that many users may not be aware of.


Mutli -Table Report queries

When creating a Report which uses 2 tables, after selecting the 2nd table, the report wizard opens another screen, which is the join table screen. Most of the time, you would ignore this screen and click OK as all we want it to do is show matching records in both tables where the Employee Number (StaffNo) is the same.

Unfortunately on some screens (such as the Training History) the wizard finds 2 fields which match. 1 is the StaffNO field which it must use, but it also finds the ‘Location’ field and tries to join them also. What this basically means is that the report will only show records where the Employees Location (EmployeeDetails.Location) matches the location of the training (TrainingHistory.Location). Obviously therefore the results you are looking for will not be shown correctly in this report.



The way it fix this is, when you have selected both tables and the Join Table screen pops up, make sure it only shows the StaffNo field join (employeedetails.staffno = OTHERTABLE.staffNo). If any other values are showing then simply double click on them to remove them, before clicking OK to proceed.

If you have designed a report where it came up blank even though you hadn’t applied any filters or anything, then try this first as this is usually the reason.


Further information

AgathonHR have been working on Vizual Personnel Manager and Personnel Director since 1997 and are one of the last companies in the UK to have any experience using or supporting these systems. Additionally we have been working with People Inc. since 2009 and are one the main People Inc. resellers in the UK. This means we can provide the best possible service to ensure the upgrade goes as effectively as possible.

Whilst we can no longer sell Personnel Manager, we do currently provide the following:

  • Upgrades to People Inc. including data migration.
  • Discounted annual support packages
  • Basic training for new users
  • Report Writing Training.
  • Consultancy – Data tidying, customisation etc.

Further information can be found on our website If you require any support with Vizual Personnel Manager please call 01242 663974 or email 

Reports can be tricky especially when working with data from different parts of the system. We do offer a report writing service for a small fee if you need help.

  • Difficulty 45% 45%
  • Benefit 75% 75%
  • Set up Time/Costs 65% 65%
  • Ease of use 25% 25%
New Feature Rating Our ratings show how easy it is to implement this new feature and how the benefits outweigh the time and costs for implementing it. Note: Features with a Difficulty rating of over 50% will need to be set up by one of our developers.