Vizual Personnel Software News/Articles
Generating Contracts of Employment using Vizual Personnel Manager
Its incredible that there is so much functionality within Vizual Personnel Manager that users are simply not aware of. A good example of this is generating letters such as contracts of employment directly from the software. Personnel Manager has a number of built in Letter templates in a Letter Library that can be edited for your use. Alternatively you can create your own letter templates and even mailing labels using the built in Word Processor or alternatively you can use Microsoft Word. You can also keep track of the letters you have sent via the Correspondence History screen than is automatically updated when the letter is sent if required. To access the Letter Library simply click on the Letters button on the tool bar, then double click on the letter you would like to use. This will start the Mail Merge Wizard.
Further information
AgathonHR have been working on Vizual Personnel Manager and Personnel Director since 1997 and are one of the last companies in the UK to have any experience using or supporting these systems. Additionally we have been working with People Inc. since 2009 and are one the main People Inc. resellers in the UK. This means we can provide the best possible service to ensure the upgrade goes as effectively as possible.
Whilst we can no longer sell Personnel Manager, we do currently provide the following:
- Upgrades to People Inc. including data migration.
- Discounted annual support packages
- Basic training for new users
- Report Writing Training.
- Consultancy – Data tidying, customisation etc.
Further information can be found on our website If you require any support with Vizual Personnel Manager please call 01242 663974 or email
You can save hours using the built in Mail Merge function to create your Contracts of Employment and other employee letters
- Implementation Difficulty 65%
- Benefit 100%
- Set up Time/Costs 65%
- Ease of use 50%
New Feature Rating
Our ratings show how easy it is to implement this new feature and how the benefits outweigh the time and costs for implementing it.
Note: Features with a Difficulty rating of over 50% will need to be set up by one of our developers.